WAIVER: _____________________(NAME OF MEMBER) recognize and understand that the use of any equipment and/ or my participation in any activity sponsored by the Howell PAL will be done at my own risk, knowing that the use of said equipment and/ or participation in said activities may subject me to physical injury serious or otherwise. As such I will not hold the Howell PAL, its members coaching staff/ volunteers and directors responsible for any accident or injury that may befall me in the use of said equipment and/ or the participation in said activities, further more I will provide the PAL with a medical certification from my doctor attesting to my physical ability to participate in certain activities requiring notification. Date__________________ Signature of Applicant_________________________ Date_________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian______________________ PHOTO RELEASE The Howell PAL may take photographs of youth participants to promote, advertise PAL activities and events. Your child may or may not be photographed or appear in a photograph. In the event your child is depicted in the photograph the Howell PAL reserves the right to publicize any pictures taken at or during PAL sponsored activities and events.Howell PAL will not sell these photographs or the likeness of participants. These photographs will be for the soul use of information and promotion of PAL sponsored activities and events. Your signature will authorize the Howell PAL to use any such photographs. DATE___________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT_____________________________ DATE___________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN_____________________________